Blackjack Chart: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Game of 21

02 oktober 2023 Peter Mortensen


Are you a fan of casino games? Do you enjoy the thrill of winning and the strategic element of gambling? If so, then blackjack is the perfect game for you. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of blackjack chart to give you a comprehensive understanding of this popular strategy tool. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to improve your blackjack game.

The Basics of Blackjack:


Before we delve into the intricacies of the blackjack chart, let’s start with a brief introduction to the game itself. Blackjack, also known as 21, is a card game played between a player and a dealer. The goal is to have a hand with a higher value than the dealer’s without exceeding 21. Each card in the deck is assigned a specific value, and the player’s decisions are based on these values.

What is a Blackjack Chart?

A blackjack chart is a strategic tool that helps players make optimal decisions during a game. It provides a visual representation of the player’s hand value and suggests the best move based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s upcard. The chart takes into consideration the probability of winning each possible hand combination and recommends whether to hit, stand, double down, or split.

Understanding the Blackjack Chart:

To effectively use a blackjack chart, it is essential to understand its components. The chart is divided into rows and columns, with the rows representing the player’s hand value and the columns representing the dealer’s upcard. Each cell in the chart provides the recommended action for that specific combination.

The Actions:

1. Hit: If the chart suggests hitting, it means the player should request an additional card from the dealer.

2. Stand: If the chart suggests standing, it means the player should keep their current hand value and not request any more cards.

3. Double Down: If the chart suggests doubling down, it means the player should double their initial bet and receive one additional card.

4. Split: If the chart suggests splitting, it means the player should split their initial hand into two separate hands and play each hand individually.

The Evolution of the Blackjack Chart:

The concept of using a chart as a strategy tool in blackjack is not new. It dates back to the early 1950s when Dr. Edward O. Thorp introduced the first basic strategy chart. This chart was based on mathematical calculations and provided players with the optimal moves for different hand combinations. Over time, the blackjack chart has undergone various refinements, incorporating new insights and strategies to enhance player performance.

Today, with advancements in technology, players have access to sophisticated blackjack charts that consider multiple variables and provide highly accurate recommendations. These charts are meticulously developed by experts in the field, utilizing mathematical algorithms to analyze the game’s probabilities and create the most favorable strategies.

Using the Blackjack Chart to Gain an Edge:

Utilizing a blackjack chart during gameplay can significantly improve a player’s chances of winning. By following the recommendations provided in the chart, players can reduce the house edge and increase their overall profitability. It offers a systematic approach to decision-making, taking away the guesswork and ensuring optimal moves in every scenario.

Watch this video to see the blackjack chart in action and understand how it can help you make better decisions during gameplay.

Getting Started with the Blackjack Chart:

To start using a blackjack chart effectively, players must familiarize themselves with its content and understand the logic behind each recommendation. Practice is key in mastering the chart, as it allows players to develop a natural instinct for the game and make quicker decisions.

It is important to note that using a blackjack chart does not guarantee a sure win in every hand. Chance and luck still play a significant role in the game. However, the chart provides players with the best statistical advantage, ensuring they are making informed decisions based on probabilities.


The blackjack chart is an invaluable tool for any player looking to enhance their blackjack skills. By understanding the intricacies of the chart and incorporating its recommendations into gameplay, players can significantly improve their odds of winning. Whether you are a novice or an experienced gambler, mastering the blackjack chart will undoubtedly take your game to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite casino beverage, find a comfortable seat at the blackjack table, and let the chart guide you on your path to blackjack greatness!


How can a blackjack chart improve my chances of winning?

By following the recommendations provided in the chart, players can reduce the house edge and increase their overall profitability. The chart offers a systematic approach to decision-making, taking away the guesswork and ensuring optimal moves in every scenario.

Is using a blackjack chart a guarantee for winning every hand?

No, using a blackjack chart does not guarantee a sure win in every hand. Chance and luck still play a significant role in the game. However, the chart provides players with the best statistical advantage, ensuring they are making informed decisions based on probabilities.

What is a blackjack chart?

A blackjack chart is a strategic tool that helps players make optimal decisions during a game. It provides a visual representation of the player's hand value and suggests the best move based on the player's hand and the dealer's upcard.

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